Escherichia coli S092/pScTrpC

Genotype with respect to parental

TrpC(S. cerevisiae)

Genotype with respect to wild type
F+ (λ) | λ- | inv(rrnD-rrnE) | F-, λ-, rph-1, IN (rrnD, rrnE) | ΔlacU169 gal490 λcI857 Δ(cro-bioA) | rpsL (StrR) | ∆aroF ∆aroG ∆mtr ∆tnaA ∆tnaB ∆λ | ∆aroH::PJ23119-rpsL-tac -(aroGfbr-serAfbr) | Ptrc -trpEfbrDCBA | ΔtrpC | Plasmid pScTrpC added | TrpC(S. cerevisiae)

Bars (|) indicate differences between strains.


Metabolites Heterologous Production type Production Biomass Carbon source Time Scale Ref.
L-tryptophan Titer 3.13 g/L Glucose 20 h Batch [ 165 ]
L-tryptophan Substrate yield 0.11 g/g of sustrate Glucose 20 h Batch [ 165 ]

* Inferred from plots using RetroPlot.
