Escherichia coli LH06

Genotype with respect to wild type
recA1, thi, endA1, supE44, gyrA96, hsdR17 Δ(lac-proAB)/(lac-proAB)/F′[traD36,proAB+ , lacIq , lacZΔM15] | △tnaA::KmR | △sdaA::KmR | Plasmid pTrcACB added

Bars (|) indicate differences between strains.


Metabolites Heterologous Production type Production Biomass Carbon source Time Scale Ref.
L-cysteine Titer 620.9 mg/L Glucose 48 h Flask [ 209 ]
L-cysteine Substrate yield 0.06 g/g of sustrate Glucose 48 h Flask [ 209 ]
L-cysteine Titer 5.1 g/L Glucose 32 h Fed-Batch [ 209 ]
L-cysteine Titer 620.9 mL/L Glucose 48 h Flask [ 209 ]
L-cysteine Substrate yield 0.06 g/g of sustrate Glucose 48 h Flask [ 209 ]
L-cysteine Titer 5.1 g/L 6.5 g/L Glucose 32 h Fed-Batch [ 209 ]
L-cysteine Titer 620.92 mg/L 0.96 g/L* Glucose 48 h * Flask [ 227 ]
acetate Titer 0.0 g/L * 0.96 g/L* Glucose 48 h * Flask [ 227 ]

* Inferred from plots using RetroPlot.
